The Story Behind First Salary

This is turning page of the book called
– “My life “ . My Btech era is about to end , and now its time to get a payout as i have already paid yet too much to colleges and school.


I had never gone out of my city. Most of my friends were going to Bangalore to find a job. Some took jobs of college teachers. Its 8th may 2013 , have reached delhi to find a job with a clear decision, will jump into Java only and nothing else and who knew , my path was deviated from this location.. will share how !

I used to collect all the relevant job posts in newspaper and job sites daily and go for interviews and roam all around in delhi .

At some places they asked money to give training’s and experience certificate at some places.There were lines of thousands of unemployed people like me. The major thing was the Hope that was constant everyday, with a clear vision , Nothing else than JAVA . I have given more interviews, and now nine months have passed doing the same and on total i have given 80 interviews and still I couldn’t get Java profile. I was offered to work for PHP and .net , but being a bit stubborn guy, denied all those offers . By the year 2014 , JAVA was the one in IT domain, having too much competition to get a job , as being into software engg. every 90 out of 100 was trying for JAVA.

Jan 2014 , got an offer to work in php, and my inner voice is stopping me this time to deny the offer . I accepted and my three months training started , but see the god’s will, that organisation got shut down within a month and i am again an unemployed . And the expense of the last nine months in delhi has exceeded the fee of one year in btech. This was little worried stuff , this time m packed up to accept any offer weather in technical or non technical.

Interviews of all kinds like In Media Companies, in schools, in colleges, in IT Companies. I was giving Interviews more than I was preparing for them

“One day while returning from an interview, someone called me from back, the voice was little heavy , I didn’t turned back as i was in hurry. After a few seconds, the same voice came up, why so arrogant ? I turned and replied with apology that i was in hurry so didn’t heard you. And he speak up, is it a job getting issue you are stuck in ? And i was shocked , he gave me a rudraksh to dip in milk and get it tied with red string . Being into arya samaj family, where these things were taught not to believe on , but still i took that Rudraksh and gave him 200 bucks . While leaving he said you will have a job by 17th march 2014 (Holi Festival).”

The day 5th March 2014, reached to joined  company the named “Shotformats digital production pvt ltd “as a customer executive. At the time of interview 
They said they could pay me 9800 only. I thought they were asking for 9800 rs. I was not sure, I asked them again. They said we will only be able to pay 9800 rs. I think those were the most beautiful words I ever heard 9800 wow.

I was designated for a non technical profile – Customer executive with a training period of 15 days , where i was asked to play songs and browse Facebook for the entire day . This was the most funniest , amazing and unexpected thing happened to me. Although i was not a too happy for the task they assigned to me , so i asked them on the day of confirmation, that will i be able to switch in technical? And they denied with saying that , why will they switch me in technical when training will be of non technical. But see the luck, the day i joined , a guy from software testing has left suddenly from the organisation, and i was asked to test an application for the rest of the day. And guess what, I reported 113 bugs in the same day. And I myself opened the door for the technical profile which I planned to work for and this was unpredicted here. The next day i was called by manager and he switched me to technical as a QA engineer.

With a payout of 9800/- , I missed to share what actually happened in the interview. The manager asked, कितनी सेलेरी लोगे? Can you imagine, what would i have replied ? With a nervous face and shaking hands i said, whatever you find it suitable, and he pulled my leg asking , are you ok with 5k ? And I said yes, but he completed with- we are offering you 10k and I was happy. I got my first salary on 7th april 2014, I bought a saari for maa, a laddu box for the one who kept me going and didn’t let my confidence down, that’s my lord !!

First Job is always special and it becomes more special when you get it after so much of a wait. Paid rent and salary drowned. Even i am in minus within a week of getting paid . You might have heard bigger the bucket, bigger the holes but in my scenario

Smaller the bucket bigger were the holes.

Life has rolled since then a lot of times but i still remember that day. I still remember the happiness and pride I had in me